Question Yourself ?

  • Are you tired of working 9 to 5 ?
  • Are you working from home and want to start your own business ?
  • Do you want to become financially independent ?
  • Are you a student who is trying to find a new business idea ?
  • Do you want to retire in your 40s ?
  • Do you want to become an entrepreneur but running out of ideas ?
  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur and want to find real-world problems with a business ?

Learn how to start a company

with help from the world's

top startup accelerator

About Startup School

Zee Startup School is designed to equip early stage startup founders with tools, products and knowledge that growing companies need. Our aim is providing education on growth, tech, and product, covering aspects including setting OKRs,making technical hires, preparing a data pipeline to start your business- all guidedby top entrepreneurs and founders of trending and growing companies.

About Program

CERTIFIED ENTREPRENEUR PROGRAM introduces entrepreneurs to the basics of Starting, Managing, Growing and financing a successful business. You will learn to evaluate your ideas, choose the best financing options, legally register your business and start selling or acquiring customers. The Program will point you to the resources you need on your entrepreneurial journey. The Programs focus on various Sectors (Healthcare, Food and Agro, E-commerce, Fintech, High Technology, Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services). The participants will learn about awareness of the opportunities for entrepreneurship in India, an understanding of a conceptual framework for evaluating such opportunities and an appreciation of the types of problems that lend themselves to entrepreneurial solutions.

Foundation Program

Develop Foundational skills critical for your unique business burning problems and are delivered through a range of virtual and in-person blended formats via Structured Business Frameworks, Case-studies, and in-depth Video Tutorials that support the unique needs of Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs.

Advance Program

Build the entrepreneurial leadership skills you need to take your business through its next phase of growth and success with our Exclusive Value Packs that are customized to solve all your burning problems.

Become a certified entrepreneur

What will you get

Personalised Business Coach
Live Sessions With Top Entrepreneurs
100+ Exclusive Video Tutorial
Effective Structural Business Course

Program Benefits

Certification & Recognition with Verified and Shareable Certificate

Launch & Grow your business

Funding Opportunities

Cloud Credits

Mentoring & Networking


Topics covered will include fintech, language, social media and networking, job search, and business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce. An effective product strategy, product user value, designing apps for the next billion users in markets like India, and user acquisition are just a few of the other topics covered in the curriculum’s instructional modules. “Aimed at early stage founders with a minimum viable product, the programme provides the flexibility of a virtual curriculum and allows attendees to pick and choose the modules they’d like to tune in for,” a blogpost by Google said. Additionally, there will be chances for entrepreneurs to learn from talks about what makes a successful founder, formalising recruiting, and other important factors.

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