Our online and offline learning program is designed to engage children in a variety of
activities that help them develop their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills.
Our curriculum is based on the latest research in early childhood education, and our
experienced teachers are dedicated to providing personalized attention to each child.

Our First Ideology

Charecter Education

Fun With Science

Language of Arts

Mathematical Genius

Moral Stories

Teaching Resources

  • Play-way methods

  • 300+ Learning Activities

  • Easy learning curriculum

  • Regular progress reports

  • 500+ interactive worksheets

  • Learning alongside online/offline

  • Detailed and customisable study plans

  • Experienced & kids -friendly Teaching guides

Franchise Opportunities

Investment of ₹ 12- ₹ 15 Lakhs

Investment amount varies depending upon the size (1500+ sq. ft.) of the pre-school and the city

Long term Vision

A business with sustained returns, provided one has a long-term vision towards the venture

Established Brand Name

Associate with a legacy brand that has nurtured 5 lakh+ children

Proven Franchise Model

Get 360-degree support at each step to hit the ground running


Happy Parents Counts on Zee Junior

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I enroll my child in primary school?
A: We are Available Online as well as offline. Contact Our local branch available in your area or download the app for hassle free learning.

Q: Do online primary schools have the same academic standards as traditional primary schools?
A: Yes, online primary schools are held to the same academic standards as traditional primary schools and must meet state or national education standards.

Q: What is the age range for admission?
A: We are designed specially for children between the ages of 3-11 years old.

Q: Is there emphasize given to converse in a particular language with child?
A: No there is not really any emphasis on speaking to a child in a particular language. Every child is born with the innate ability of understanding and learning any language. I would prefer to say it depends on the parents to chose whatever language they feel is
best for their child. The more languages one learns the easier it becomes to learn another languages.

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